Monday, February 05, 2007

Branded Marriages

Generally, marriage is a costly affaire and a cost center in accounting terms. I believe there is an immense opportunity of using a marriage for advertising. Today, when media have so much of clutter, it is one space which is still not at all explored.

I am thinking of getting my marriage sponsored (after 2-3 years) by some matrimonial site. presents Shakun weds XYZ. Sounds crazy Na. But it is a win-win for both parties. My cost center i.e. marriage will become a profit center and (or any other brand) will get a lot of publicity at very nominal prices. I hope local dailies will cover it and that again will help the brand.

There is a possibility of other sponsorships. Like for food sponsored by some rice brand, Orchestra sponsored by a music company, games sponsored by a gaming site, makeup sponsored by loreal, and photography by Kodak and there are a lot of things that can be sponsored.

Also, a new marriage t-shirt can be released. It can be bought at a nominal price. Accessories related to marriage. I mean marriage will also become a shopping place other than the rituals in which people are least interested.

Disclaimer: This article has nothing to do with me being a bania. This is just a crazy idea.


Joydeep Das said...

i read this after hearing abt this innovative idea frm u in person...and i think its a remarkable idea indeed...:)

Anonymous said...

hahahahah ........

I am sure you will attract some spoonsorship ...

Good work .. and really genuine baniya thinking ... Proud of you ...

So dude give me your email id .. need to talk something ..

mail me at

rt said...

hey really grt idea!! ;)
hope u will be sucessful in sponsoring ur marriage!!

Paddy said...

Dude... first try to get a girl and then think of ur marriage ;). u can then try to rope in CIG or Corporate Relations for getting in sponsorship

Vaibhav Jha said...

Ha ha why would a corporate sponsor a -ve value proposition stuff in self destructing mode...its like sponsoring Sehwag these days :)

hmatt said...

If Nike pays £1m for a 3" x 1" badge over the heart in football, just imagine what they'd pay for the back of the wedding dress.

Big SWOOSH black on white. "Impossible is nothing" and all that.

Sounds like a good idea. Plenty of spin-offs too. Whilst we're on the subject of cost centres, how about divorces?

"This matrimonial seperation was brought to you courtesy of Caterpillar demolition..."