Monday, August 14, 2006

Management in Practice :-)

I am not sure how much one can learn from books or journals. But yes I know a lot of tricks to cope up with ever increasing pressure of assignments, quizzes and pre- reads. Some of these techniques are awesome and really works.

Rule of 2354: This funda is specifically designed for objective question papers. When ever you are in the midst of a storm called ignorance, use it. First solve all the objective questions you know (if any). Now take the first unanswered Q and mark 2nd choice as answer. For next question, add 3 to 2 and if there is a fifth choice mark it otherwise deduct the number of choices given and whatever comes mark as the right answer. And the process goes on.

Some may doubt but it works. Every time I don’t use 2354. Sometimes I use 2534. It all depends on mood. Believe me it has worked and I have never got an F in any quiz whether I have studied or not.

Two Minutes: It deals with problem of pre reading the case. Few minutes before the class go to any sincere type guy and ask him to explain summary of the case in 5 statements. It hardly takes 2 minutes. Again spend 2 minutes in scanning the headings of the case and reading last paragraph. Now approach a few gentlemen and explain them a “out of the box” interpretation of case. That’s all; next few minutes just listen to them and keep nodding your head. And you are ready for case discussion.

Role Play”Moderator”: This idea is similar to the two minutes but more useful when case is huge and/or has a lot of numbers. First get a place in CC around 9. Open Orkut and start scrapping your friends. In half an hour around 9.30, you will find except you everybody else in CC is working on case. Now it’s action time. Start a dialogue by saying “The case is really difficult”. Your question will evoke various responses and all those sitting there will start a discussion on the case. Whenever you feel discussion is not moving, steer it by giving some points. Here the fruitfulness of discussion is based on your moderating skills. As soon as discussion finishes, comment “When will I do it?? I am yet to start?” and leave CC. ( It works at other places too)


Boogerworm said...

u meano.... wat about group work? any ideas on that?

Shaks said...

no ideas on groupwork before completion of MBA. :-)

rt said...

amazing ideas!!!